Clan Cumming Society
of the
United States
Surnames Associated With The Clan
Baddenoch, Badenoch, *Buchan, Cheyne, Chiene, Common, Commons, Cummin(s), Cummings, Cumyn, Chaney(ay), Cheyne(y), Cimmon, Comyn(s), Cowman(s), Cum(m)ine, Cumens, Cumin(s), Landrum, Lendrum, MacCheine, MacChesnie-(E)Y, MacCheyne, MacCummin(s), MacCumming(s), MacNeven(s), MacNiven(s), MacSkimman-on, Nevison, Nivens, Nivison and *Russell.

* Allied and dependant families
© Clan Cumming Society of the United States – All rights reserved